Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Momentary Absence

Hello Readers. I, unfortunately, have some bad news to relate.

First, it seems that in the past week something happened to my blog. I submitted a post last week, without a problem, but was then made aware two days later that my blog was no longer appearing online when I spoke with my parents on the phone. As I only go online once a week, I’m afraid my blog had disappeared for the last few days, which I am sure confused anyone who tried to read it this past week. It certainly surprised me and I apologize for the confusion.

I have since rectified the problem. I am not exactly sure what happened, but the problem seems to be fixed, and I hope this will not be an issue again. The Blogger website told me various ways I could fix the problem, but, in truth, all I did was sign in and the problem went away. Again, I am hopeful it will remain working from now on.

The second issue, however, is a bit more daunting. My computer charger is breaking. Before leaving for Tonga and over the past 5 months, I have constantly worried that my computer would break as I have repeatedly been told that electronics do not do well in hot and humid Tonga. I never thought about my charger. Not even once.

This past week my charger has been held together by a combination of tape, clips, and luck. It is still currently working, but each day has become subsequently harder to maneuver any kind of electricity toward my computer and I fear that this won’t last much longer.

My parents have sent my new charger in the mail. This can take anywhere from 4 weeks to never. I am also furiously looking for a charger in Vava’u. My secret hope is that I might be able to find someone willing to sell me their old, extra charger, but so far I have not met with much success.

This, therefore, may be my last post for a while. I wanted to let my faithful readers know, so that they were not worried about my lack of updates and the odd timing of the blog’s temporary disappearance. I will still be able to access my email through other means, so if you would like any updates on my life please email me.

Thank you for understanding. I sincerely hope this stoppage will be short lived and I will soon have use of a fully charged computer.

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